What do you like?

in my free time, you can usually find me browsing on my computer, driving around with my pals, or catching up on schoolwork. a lot of my time is dedicated to academics, and i plan to pursue a degree in biochemistry! i other specific interests of mine can be found scattered throughout the site and on this page. in general, most people would probably describe me as being inquisitive, blunt, reserved, and laid-back.

though i spend a lot of time designing my site, a lot of the pleasure i get from web design is getting to meet other like-minded people without the pressure of social media weighing down on me. it also provides me an unlimited space to talk about my interests and express myself! j

lastly, i have a manx cat named jinx who is my favorite little creature in the whole world. he can be an asshole at times, but we love him nonetheless. click here to see a picture of him! C


What Type Of Dere Are You?


I am a Togetic!

What Sailor Scout Are You?

I am parmesan cheese!



Which Madoka Magica Girl Are You?

Take the anime accessory quiz

My Stuff

games touhou project, fallout new vegas, portal, half life, red dead redemption, sam & max, splatoon 2/3
movies/tv madoka magica, mob psycho 100, sailor moon, hunter x hunter
music the beatles + their solo work, wings, bobby darin, radiohead, the police, the beach boys, dean martin, + way more
miscellaneous biology, chemistry, birdwatching, cats, journaling, html/css, performing arts, cheese and pasta, the color blue, dressing like a grandma, etc.

Who are you?

callie H she/her N 17 y/o
webmaster & mad scientist

6 Pieces, 4. Minuetto - Respighi