about me...

my name is callie but you can also call me lyra. i don't necessarily prefer to adhere to many labels, but my pronouns are she/her and i'm bisexual

as opposed to many people on this site, i'm not necessarily on neocities to escape social media; i still use it pretty actively, but there's just something uniquely charming about having a fully-customizable space compared to the limited options on most social media sites. similarly, i've also found a lot of passion in learning how to code, which comprises a lot of the pleasure i achieve from web-weaving.

to get to know me a bit more, here are some of my favorite things:

color: blue

food: cheese, burgers

season: spring

drink: iced coffee

movies: short circuit, austin powers, yellow submarine

music: the beatles + their solo work, radiohead, dean martin, bobby darin, the scary jokes, the beach boys, DEVO, primus, & so so much more

other things: coding (html/css mainly), science, birds, cats, gardening, music, trumpet, performing arts

additionally, i have a black manx (tailless) cat named jinx. he is my pride and joy as well as my muse. please ask about him!!