Somebody's Got to Save This Country From Certain Doom, and Let's Face It, That Person Is Me


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callie's journal!

sept. 29th
11:20pm 2022

ughhhhh... this week is just dragging along. for the majority of the days i've been tackling my completely stupid executive dysfunction, and LORD is it tiring. i wish it was easy to convey to people that i'm not late for things because i'm lazy. i feel like if i tried to explain the fact that i physically can't convince myself to get up and do things sometimes makes me sound utterly insane, but it is what it is. on the contrary: today in particular was pretty good! i've been playing a lot of poker recently with my pals in band. (un?)surprisingly, the fact that i might get to play poker later is a huge motivation for me to get up in the mornings... man, i'm so lame.

sept. 25th
3:00pm 2022

hey! it's my first post! i'm not even really sure exactly what i'm gonna put here, but i'm sure there'll be some pedantic rants eventually. i originally planned on doing a prospit theme but got a little sidetracked somewhere along the line... aaaand yeah. oh well, i love jane too much to complain. the upkeep with this blog might be quite a bit of work, and i negotiated using a seperate client to give myself a little less of a workload, but i think it's a good opportunity for me to get more comfortable with html if i just do it myself.